
07904 800 603


Opening Hours


Please see below our list of discounted services. To book an appointment, please email or call on 07904 800 603:

Full Body Massage (1 Hour) £30
Head, Neck and Shoulders (30 Mins)£25
Full Body Deep Tissue Massage (1 Hour 20 mins) £40
Specific Area Deep Tissue Treatment (30 Mins) £25

Please note that each Massage Treatment will begin with a 15 minute health consultation beforehand.
Additional ProductsPrice
Homemade CBD Massage Oil 200ml Bottle£10
Homemade Lavender, Eucalyptus and Evening Primrose Massage Oil 200ml Bottle£10
Gift Vouchers (Valid for 1 year)£10, £20, £50, £100
1 Credit (1 Credit is obtained from each massage; 5 credits enables 50% off the 6th massage)

Please note that these additional products are only available to purchase at business premises.